St Mary's C of E Primary School & Nursery

Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly

College Road, Purton, Wiltshire, SN5 4AR

01793 770239

Year 5's Learning Hub

  If you aren't feeling safe or are worried, click here.

OUR Staff


Miss Palmer, Mr Biddle and Miss Harries 


Teaching Assistants

Mrs Chivers, Mrs Gustar, Mrs Howse, and Mrs McKerrow 

Our Termly Values

Find out more about each term's values on our Collective Worship page here.



1. Do I have what it takes to be an astronaut?

2. How did the first British astronaut change the perception of women in space?

3. Has the first British astronaut had the legacy and recognition we would expect?



 Find our more about our 'Big Questions' Values-Led curriculum here.

Our Termly Texts



ImportanT reminders


PE Lessons

Class 11 (Miss Palmer): Tuesday and Wednesday

Class 12 (Mr Biddle and Miss Harries): Wednesday and Friday

Educational Visits and Visitors

The school calendar has the dates for visits and events at school here. Parents and carers will be emailed additional specific information about such events closer to the time when necessary.

The school newsletters also have information about up-coming events and our Twitter page (@StMarysPriPurton) also show-cases what is happening in school.


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