St Mary's C of E Primary School & Nursery

Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly

College Road, Purton, Wiltshire, SN5 4AR

01793 770239


PE Leads: Natalie Heal and Rachel Ballinger

Link Governor: Jennifer Merritt

‘Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly’ 


PE at St Mary’s, Purton Primary School develops a fun, high quality physical education curriculum. Our curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel individual’s abilities in competitive sports and other physically demanding activities. We build character and help to embed British and school values such as tolerance and respect. We provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident, develop resilience in a way which supports their health, fitness and mental wellbeing. Children are encouraged to persevere with activities that may have once felt too difficult. We are passionate about the need to teach children how to cooperate and collaborate with others, as part of a team, understanding fairness and equity of play to embed life-long values.


 ‘Find your greatness and let it shine’



We value the contribution sport and fitness make to our lives. Sport builds on the values we hold dear at St Mary's, such as inclusion, team work, having a positive self image and striving to achieve.

There are school clubs which have a sport and fitness focus and children regularly participate in inter-school events. St Mary's has a Netball Team who compete in the North Wilts Sports Cluster Netball League.

Every summer, The children in the Sports Council arrange St Mary's very popular sports day in which all children participate and achieve.

Swimming takes place annually for Year 3, in terms 5 and 6, with the aim of ensuring all children are competent and safe when in the water. 

TLG Logo

St Mary's uses the TLG-PE Scheme of Work. 


Our P.E long term plan, below, ensures progression and the specific progression plans can be downloaded from the file list underneath.


 CRICKET PRINT A4.pdfDownload
 FOOTBALL PRINT A4.pdfDownload
 HOCKEY PRINT A4.pdfDownload
 KS1 Progression Map.pdfDownload
 NETBALL PRINT A4.pdfDownload
 OAA PRINT A4.pdfDownload
 ROUNDERS 2018.pdfDownload
 RUGBY PRINT A3.pdfDownload
Showing 1-10 of 12

Sports Premium Grant 

Details of how our Sports Premium Grant 2022-2023 has been spent can be found here in our PE & SCHOOL SPORT FUNDING REPORT below.

The Sports Premium Grant is supplemented by school funds as well as PTA support in order to provide the high standard and wide range of sporting experiences for the children at St Mary's. 


Supporting Documents:

Definition of Physical Activity, Physical Education and School Sport

The Five Key Indicators of the Sports Premium Funding Document


Sports Opportunities and Events at St Mary’s Primary School


The list of events St Mary’s attends each academic year include;

  • North Wilts Sports Cluster (NWSC) Year 3/4, Year 5/6Tag-Rugby 
  • NWSC KS1 Mixed Football Festival
  • NWSC Year 4,5, and 6 Girls Football 
  • NWSC Year 5/6 High Five Netball Tournament
  • NWSC KS2 Cross-Country Festival
  • NWSC Year 5/6 Swimming Gala
  • NWSC KS1 Gymnastics Festival
  • NWSC KS1 Orienteering Festival
  • NWSC Reception to Year 6 Cluster Athletics Festival
  • NWSC Netball League Matches  

Other sporting events in the school have included;

  • Leadership Training for Year 6
  • Sports Weeks:
    • 2021-22 Climbing wall, free style football and Dan the skipping man
    • 2022-23 team building skills and Ultimate Frisbee
    • 2023-24 caving and archery
    • Sports days 

Staff Managed Clubs:

  • Netball Club - Yr 5/6 (Friendly and League matches played).
  • Running Club – Yrs 3-6. 

Enrichment Clubs (available at extra cost): 

  • KS2 Football - ESC Coaching and Fitness.

Local Sports Clubs



This Logo was designed by St. Mary's Pupils (2015) and is now used across the Cluster!

Cluster Logo