St Mary's C of E Primary School & Nursery

Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly

College Road, Purton, Wiltshire, SN5 4AR

01793 770239


At St Mary’s our Christian values shape all we do. Our vision ‘Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly’ is based on two Biblical quotations:

"I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky...
and all the nations on earth will be blessed,"  (
Genesis 26:4)

"Those who are wise will shine 
like the brightness of the heavens,"
(Daniel 12:3).

This underpins our ethos that everyone in our school community is able to ‘shine brightly’ in all aspects of life, at school and beyond. Out school policies are written in the light of this ethos.   

Note: there are several 'pages' of policies - use the << and >> arrows to move to next or previous pages. 

Click the download button on the right to view a policy.



 2501 Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (1).pdfDownload
 2501 Special Educational Needs & Disabilities - Reviewed Jan 24.pdfDownload
 2503 GDPR Data Protection - Reviewed Mar 24.pdfDownload
 2503 GDPR Data Protection.pdfDownload
 2505 Intimate Care Plan - Reviewed Jul24.pdfDownload
 2507 Allegations Against Adults in Education Settings - Jul24.pdfDownload
 2507 Attendance Policy - Reviewed Nov 24.pdfDownload
 2507 Lockdown Procedure - Reviewed Sep23.pdfDownload
 2507 Teaching, Learning & Curriculum Policy - Reviewed May 24.pdfDownload
 2507 Whistleblowing policy and procedure for schools - Adopted Mar 24.pdfDownload
Showing 1-10 of 38

Please see our School Uniform Policy on the webpage here