St Mary's C of E Primary School & Nursery

Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly

College Road, Purton, Wiltshire, SN5 4AR

01793 770239

rising STARS NURSERY CLASS - Learning Hub

DON'T FORGET...sports and activities morning followed by family picnic on Tuesday 4th July 2024 9.30-11.30 

  If you aren't feeling safe or are worried, click here.

OUR Staff

Nursery Teachers

Helen Fudge                        Sarah Grigg



Key Nursery Staff


Janine Wilkins (Room Leader)       Sarah Entwistle (Room Leader)


Charlotte Lawlor (Pre-School Key Worker)     Emma Smart (Pre-School Key Worker),
      Linda Joachim (Pre-School Worker), 
Jenny Summers (Family Link Worker)         Julie Matthews (Nursery Assistant)

Find out more about each term's values on our Collective Worship page here.

Key Texts texts this term

    Where's Spot? concept picture book by Eric Hill - Slap Happy LarryYou Choose - Paperback BookMonty the Manatee by Natalie PritchardBrown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?


our key songs and rhymes this term

 For parents | Letters and Sounds

Hey Diddle Diddle

Wind the Bobbin up

Twinkle Twinkle

Winter Incy Wincy

Wind the tinsel up


We wish you a merry Christmas


prospective parents

 If you would like to visit St Mary's Primary School and Nursery, please call the admin team on 01793 770239 or email to arrange a visit.

Registration information can be found here: Registration Booklet - Oct24.pdf



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