St Mary's C of E Primary School & Nursery

Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly

College Road, Purton, Wiltshire, SN5 4AR

01793 770239

Bus Travel - Wiltshire Transport


Bus travel, provided by Wiltshire Transport, is available for eligible families. More information on eligibility and how to apply can be found on their website, here: Applying for transport - Wiltshire Council


For those parents and carers whose children use this service, please note these important messages regarding your children’s bus journey to and from St Mary’s:


  • 24-hours’ notice of travel changes: we are not able to make changes to your child’s bus journey home without at least 24-hours’ notice. This means we must be informed of a change the day before at the latest, either by email to or a phone call to the School Admin Team on 01793 770239


  • After School Club changes: please be aware that our ‘Bus’ team and our ‘After School Club’ team are separate staff and systems. So, it is very important that you inform us specifically if you want to make any changes to either or both of these. (For example, if you book an After School Club place, it will not automatically cancel their bus travel place. Likewise, cancelling an After School Club booking would not automatically put your child onto the bus register for that evening. So, please make sure you inform us clearly of changes to each of these services to avoid any errors or confusion.)


  • Let you child know: please make sure child knows of their travel plan each day, especially when you have made a change – if they don’t know about the change it can be worrying for them, and confusing for the adults!


  • Sometimes the unexpected happens: it’s important for parents and carers to make sure their children know what to do if the unforeseen happens. For example, would your child know what to do if no one was there to meet them when they get off the bus or if no one was home as expected? (Please talk to your children regularly about what to do if this happened: this is not to worry them, but to enable them to feel confident and make sensible decisions when needed. For example, which neighbour/relative should go to if no one was home? Have you agreed with some other ‘bus’ parents/carers to ‘look out’ for each other’s children if any of you weren’t at the bus-stop to collect them at any time?)


Thank you for your support,

St Mary’s School Bus Team