St Mary's C of E Primary School & Nursery

Faith in Everyone to Shine Brightly

College Road, Purton, Wiltshire, SN5 4AR

01793 770239

Year 3 & 4 - Learning Hub

  If you aren't feeling safe or are worried, click here.

OUR Staff


Miss Heal, Mrs Cuthbert and Mrs Lambe



Teaching Assistants

Mrs Ham, Mrs Farr, Mrs Pankhurst, Mrs Bounds & Mrs Hargreaves

Our Termly Values

Find out more about each term's values on our Collective Worship page here.




How do we light up the world?

Does electricity improve your life?

Does everything have a finish?



 Find our more about our 'Big Questions' Values-Led curriculum here.

Our Termly Texts




ImportanT reminders


PE Lessons

Wednesday and Thursday - Year 3 will be swimming on Thursday mornings (and Wednesday 5th June, Wednesday 12th June) from 18th April until the end of the year.  Please send them in with a suitable swimming costume, towel and goggles (if they wear them) in a bag.

Educational Visits and Visitors

The school calendar has the dates for visits and events at school here. Parents and carers will be emailed additional specific information about such events closer to the time when necessary.

The school newsletters also have information about up-coming events and our Twitter page (@StMarysPriPurton) also show-cases what is happening in school.



Subject Activity Notes


All about Year 3 and 4 - Memories

What are your best memories of this year?

Is there anything that you would do differently?

What are you looking forward to next year?





Log into Times Table Rock Stars. 

Practising your times tables will help with your class work. 

Choose the soundcheck option to play.

Who is going to be this weeks TTRockstar Star! 

Remember - the better you know your times tables the easier you will find Maths!




Log in to your Spelling Shed account by clicking the link, then practise this week's spellings.

If the whole list is too overwhelming then please concentrate on the words in bold.

This week's words have all been in previous weeks spelling lists.  How many do you already know?

 Step 36 - Revision Words











If you are feeling motivated you can always practise your challenge words in EdShed.




Feel free to practise these at home also.

Year 3/4 (for reference if you wish)

Year 5/6 


Please read at least 3 times a week and record these on the Boom Reader website.

Remember - No screens before dreams!

For the 50 reads challenge this year, please find the book list attached below:

Year 3

Year 4




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